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Relevance, reach, regionality: why print will remain the superhero of advertising in 2020

Print works! This is shown by 10 facts from current studies that we have summarised for you.

Spiderman sitzt auf Gebäude und liest New York Times

In food retail, the leaflet has been the leading medium for years. Current findings from studies by the Bundesverband deutscher Anzeigenblätter (BVDA), the Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach (IfD), the SCORE Media Group and the newspaper market research of the Gesellschaft der deutschen Zeitungen (ZMG) show why an investment in print advertising can also be worthwhile for other sectors.

To save you time, we have read the studies for you. Here are our 10 most important findings on the importance of advertising papers and regional daily newspapers:


73.7 per cent of Germans aged 14 and over read advertising papers. This corresponds to a total of 52 million people.


The readers of advertising papers are primarily working peoplebetween the ages of 30 and 64with high purchasing power.


77per cent of readers find advertising in advertising papers entertaining, interesting and credible.


Small regional differences in the reach of advertising papers ensure relevance across Germany regardless of location


Regional daily newspapers reach around 31 million readers in Germany every day with their printed or digital offerings. 


A printed copy of a daily newspaper is read by 2.7 people on average.


With more than 640 local editions, the daily newspapers achieve a high level of household coverage throughout Germany. 


91 per cent of daily newspaper readers also read the supplements of their daily newspaper.


68 per cent of daily newspaper readers use enclosed coupons for their shopping.


Advertising in the regional daily newspaper is perceived as particularly reputable by 88 per cent of readers. This creates a positive image transfer for the advertiser.