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Receiving advertising mail - an initiative of the print and media associations

Close. Useful. Sustainable. Local advertising mail is not only informative and important for communicating offers, but also has a high social value. Nevertheless, critics are calling for a massive restriction of advertising and information mail by introducing an opt-in system. An initiative of the print and media associations is campaigning for the preservation of the tried-and-tested opt-out system so that end consumers can continue to decide for themselves whether they want to receive unaddressed household advertising in future.

Grafik Nah. Nützlich. Nachhaltig. der Initiative der Druck- und Medienverbände

The fact-based campaign not only provides information about the importance of local advertising and information mail, but also dispels preconceptions. For example, no forests are cleared for advertising and information mail, 83% of the printed products consist of waste paper and are an important part of the recycling chain. The CO2 share of advertising mail amounts to only 0.05% of the annual CO2 consumption of a German citizen.

Direct mail is also indispensable for maintaining local retail and catering businesses. In total, it also creates half a million jobs. In addition to communicating offers, advertising mail serves as a source of information for local activities and events and is therefore indispensable for regional social life.

Interested end consumers can obtain information at www.werbeposterhalten.de. Together for the preservation of advertising mail - we appeal to retailers to share the well-founded facts and counter dubious claims!